Martiniana Antonie



Born in Romania, young Mezzosoprano Martiniana Antonie graduated from the National University of Music Bucharest and was a member of the Opera Studio of The National Theater Mannheim. She has won several prizes in national and international competitions such as: Winner of the AsLiCo Competition in Como, Italy; the Grand Prix Opera Avignon at the „ Jeunes Espoires ” Competition in France and the Second Prize at the „George Enesco” Competition in Paris. She is also an alumni of the International Meistersinger Academy Neumarkt.

In 2017 Martiniana was part of the Rossinian Academy „ Alberto Zedda ” in Pesaro, Italy and made her debut in the Rossini Opera Festival in the opera " Il viaggio a Reims " with the roles Marchesa Melibea and Maddalena. She returned to the Festival the following years, performing the roles of Elmira in opera „ Ricciardo e Zoraide” (available on DVD), Azema in „Semiramide” (2019), Doralice in “La Gazzetta” (2022) and Clarina in „La cambiale di matrimonio” (2020), production with which she has made her house debut at Royal Opera House of Muscat in 2022.

During these years in Pesaro, Martiniana had the opportunity to work alongside great artists, conductors, singers and artistic directors such as: Carlo Rizzi, Michele Mariotti, Giacomo Sagripanti, Dmitry Korchak, Juan Diego Florez, Pretty Yende and Graham Vick.

Between 2018 and 2021, the mezzo-soprano was a member of the International Opera Studio at the National Theater Mannheim, where she further developed her stage experience with roles such as the Third Lady in “The Magic Flute”, Hänsel and Sandmann in “Hänsel and Gretel”, Mercédès in “Carmen”, the Third Flower Maid in “Parsifal”, Gianetta in „L`elisir d`amore“, Judith in „Herzog Blaubartsburg“, Clotilde in „Norma“. She returned as a guest the following years for the roles of Rosina („Il Barbiere di Siviglia“) and the Traveler in Corbett's contemporary opera “Keine Stille außer der des Windes”.

At the beginning of this season, Martiniana has made her debut in the role of Carmen from Peter Brook and Marius Constant`s opera „La Tragedie de Carmen“, at Teatro delle Muse in Ancona, Italy, being described by the stage director Francesca Lattuada as „an ideal performer, at the same time singer, actress, dancer and outstanding musician, who owns an incredible power of metamorphosis, that allows her to explore a vast range of registers.“

Later on this season, Martiniana will make her debut as Cherubino(„Le Nozze di Figaro“) at the National Theater Mannheim and The Estates Theater Prague and she will also return to Rossini Opera Festival, where she will appear as Cleone in opera „Ermione“ and Maddalena in „Il Viaggio a Reims“. For further information, check out the Schedule rubric.